The National Women's Ministry (WMCLB) is running their annual Cup of Blessing fundraiser and we wanted to find a fun way to help support projects for missions at home and abroad. So, until February 27th you can nominate a man in the church to grow a mustache. If he accepts the challenge we ask you to donate and if he declines then we ask him to donate. We are suggesting a donation of $40 be made to the WMCLB, but of course, any amount is welcome! Nominees will have the whole month of March to grow a mustache (no other facial hair)! On Saturday, April 2nd at 5:30pm there will be a fun Mustache judging with a pizza dinner, potluck dessert, Bethany's version of Family Feud, and Minute-to-Win-It games to add to the fun. Creativity and fullness trophies will be handed out as well as possible other prizes. If you have any more questions ask Amy Bourque, akbourque7@gmail.com.