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Are you ready for an out of this world adventure?
VBS 2023


What to expect

            We are SO EXCITED at Bethany for this year's VBS! We invite everyone to join us for a fun filled week of adventures and friends all while learning more about our awesome God. 

Who can come?

Kids entering Kindergarten to 7th grade are welcome to participate.

What does it cost to attend?

This is a free event!

What does a day look like?

The day starts with everyone together in the gym for a sing & play celebration where kids will sit with their crew, hear the Bible point and verse for the day, sing songs, and meet some fun characters that will share a lesson with them. Next, the crews will visit different stations and rotate through each one. At the end of the day, we will all gather together in the gym again for the closing. Parents/guardians are invited to sit in the back until the program is over.

7.31.23 - 8.4.23

Bible Adventures




Imagination Station

Drop off/pick up directions:

Please drop your child off starting at 8:45AM at the back door by entering through the first driveway as you come down Walnut Hill Road away from the town center. Please check in with a registrar before letting your kids out of the car. If you would like to walk them in, please check them in first then find a parking spot. At 11:35AM, Cosmic Closing will end each day. Parents are welcome to sit at the back of the gym as the kids reflect on what they learned that day and watch a slideshow of the day's fun. At the end of the closing program, children will be dismissed to their parents. Please check your children out at the back door of the gym that leads directly to the parking lot before leaving for the day.

Can my child be with a friend?

Children are split into crews by grade level. Each crew is comprised of 2 grades: Kindergarten and 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 4th and 5th, and 6th and 7th. If you have a special circumstance please contact our director Meghan,

We hope you join us as we go out of this world on an adventure through SPACE! 

116 Walnut Hill Road, East Hartland, CT 06027

860.653.2005 |

Our Mission: To make disciples who believe, obey, proclaim and live God's Word.

© 2024 Bethany LBC

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