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Lent Devotional (from 2016)

Here is the weblink to the site where the Lent devotional booklets were taken from.

Lent 2020

Every Wednesday, from February 26th to April 1st, we will gather together for dinner and to meet and worship our GREAT Savior!

Dinner 6:00 - gym

Service 7:00 - sanctuary

Holy Thursday Communion Service

On Holy Thursday we will gather together for dinner and then meet upstairs for Communion.


Dinner 6:00 (gym)

Communion Service 7:00 (sanctuary)


Good Friday

Take time to reflect on the AMAZING GRACE of Jesus!

Easter Sunrise Service


Christ the Lord is Risen!

Join us outside to sing praise to our Savior and hear from His Truth.


Service 6:30 am 530 East Hartland Rd. (179 on the Barkhamsted side). We will be meeting out in the field.

Breakfast following the service (at the church)

Easter Worship Service

Join us as we gather together in His sanctuary to worship our Risen Savior!


There will be two worship services, one at 9:00 am and another at 11:00 am.


We hope you come celebrate our Risen Savior with us!

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