Who we are
Our Mission
To make disciples who believe, obey, proclaim and live God's Word. We as a body seek to allow this mission to drive everything that we do for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
To build up another generation of disciples, living in the word of truth and making it known to those in our community and beyond.
What is a church?
The answer to this question varies depending upon whom you ask. To some, it's where holy or good people go to learn how to live better lives. To others, it's where hypocrites hang out so that they will look good to those around them. And to more, it's just something to do on Sunday mornings.
That's not what Bethany is all about. The truth is we are rotten sinners, who fail over and over (and over) again. We make mistakes. We say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing and hurt people along the way. Left on our own, we are completely and totally lost.
But the Good News is . . . we're not on our own! We have a Savior, Jesus Christ, who promises to forgive our sin and our shortcomings, to live with (and even in) us and to show us how to be more like Him. While our sin deserves death, Jesus Christ gives us life and a kingdom that will last forever! And while we aren't perfect, we are forgiven and we gather together to celebrate just who we are . . . lost, wretched sinners, saved by the grace of a loving God!
Maybe you're like us, imperfect and broken and in need of repair. If that's true, there's a place for you here too where we can stand shoulder to shoulder and worship the One who loves us and has saved us!
Our History
Bethany Lutheran Brethren church was started in September of 1941, by a group of families that had moved up to Connecticut from Manhattan and Brooklyn. Many had moved because of a desire to change from city life to the beautiful surroundings of the northwestern Connecticut countryside, but another strong desire was to worship the Lord together. The group initially worshipped together in North Granby, but a desire arose to witness to their new community of East Hartland.
People began meeting together in their homes to worship God by singing hymns, praying and sharing testimonies. A warm spirit of unity prevailed, but concern increased for reaching the children, the young people, and the community with the message of the gospel. On the eighth of September, 19 followers of Christ gathered to organize what is today Bethany Lutheran Brethren Church.
At the start it was agreed upon that the doctrinal position focus on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and an adherence to the Word of God as the final authority to faith and conduct.
Bethany Church officially joined in with the Lutheran Brethren Synod in 1943.